

Sunny Marble , The best marble ever.

The marble is known as a calcareous lime stone, which contains from pure calcite.
That is used in various purposes such as construction and sculpture ….. ect.
The marble is considered as one of most durable and hard industrial material.
The most famous marble manufacturing countries are Brazil, Turkey, Palestine, Spain and Italy.
Also, Egypt is strong marble manufacturing country, in where there is area specialized in manufacturing of multiple marble types called " Shaq El Tepan"."
Now, we want to introduce the new marble type is called "Suny marble", which is one of the most famous types of marble in Egypt.

The characterization of "the Suny marble ":
The Suny marble is characterized with some specifications such as , the high quality and with attractive color ( golden color with veins of dark brown distinctive).
The price of the Suny marble is so competitive price comparing with its the others marble imported competitors' prices with the same standard of quality and efficiency.

The thickness of Egyptian Suny Marble:
The Egyptian Suny Marble is often comes with thickness ranging from 1.5 cm to 6 cm, and also that is available with different sizes according to its customers' requests, such as 300x300mm, 600x600mm, or 300x600mm. For example, a 2-cm-thick Suny marble is used for the floor and wall, while a Suny marble with the 3 cm- thick is used for stairs .
The preferred size for hotel floors is 600x600mm, while the preferred size for home flooring is 40 X 40 cm2.
No one can deny that Suny marble is perfect choice for many internal and external finishes.
The internal finishes such as floors, walls, stairs and cemeteries and…ect.
Egypt exports the Suny marble for many countries around the world.

The price of the Suny marble:
The price is considered as important point for all customers.
Suny marble is offering with suitable and cheap prices also with good quality.
The price of Suny marble ranges in between 50 to 65 EGP.
You have to know the quality and the price of marble before purchasing it , in order to avoid facing a lot of problems.
Take into your consideration that the prices of marble are changing with the local and international marketing changes.

Important advice's you have to know before purchasing the Sunny Marble:
1-When you buy Sunny marble; you should make sure that there are no cracks in the marble's surface, even if it is a simple or small or simple hole, because those holes over time it may break the marble  by completely way during 6 months later ..
2- you have to purchase Sunny marble from a reliable and trusted source. 3-Marble is cut and welding in factories or workshops according to the customer's sizes requirements. Therefore, the quality of cutting and welding should be checked carefully in order to avoid  damage of welds over time.
Finally, the 100 m area may take around a week to install the marble with high quality, and we always advise to check and ensure matching of the marble type with the type of finishing required.

  • Category : Marble
  • Material Type : Egyptian marble (Local)

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